Monday, May 21, 2007

V for Vendetta 2005

Speaking of a lot to like, I just watched V for Vendetta. A surprisingly good treatment of a graphic novel which I think don't usually come off that well. Great production value, great cast. Future England is a good stand-in for our own present. When I saw the multitude in Guy Fawkes masks my heart yearned. This is the film that Natalie Portman was publicizing so hard with her shaved head. Whatever, that part actually amounts to pretty trivial shock value blown out of proportion. And that's a weird thing for me to say because generally I'm kind of into shock value. Because of this movie, I couldn't get the 1812 Overture out of my head for a couple of days. That might sound like a bad thing, but this movie is breaking a few of my "rules" and it's working for me.

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