Director: Christophe Gans. Never heard of him. But it looks like an earlier flick of his, -Pacte des loups, Le (2001) ... aka Brotherhood of the Wolf (Canada: English title) (USA)- did well at film festivals so I expect I'll be checking that out as long as it is shown on cable that is.
Writer: Roger Avery. Smokin. Wrote on Reservoir Dogs, True Romance, Pulp Fiction, directed Killing Zoe.
Cinematographer: Dan Laustsen (Darkness Falls). That makes sense.
Things I love about this movie:
It looks incredible.
It actually creeped me out and I had to turn it off. That never happens.
The cable description called it "spooky."
The best zombie nurse from hell scene in my movie watching career.
Steps forward a little in the sense that it evokes some of the character looks and moves (an example might be the stilted movements of dead girls with long black hair) from other films but doesn't look exactly the same, different enough to feel like homage rather than reproduction.
This movie is based on a video game and it kept my interest for the most part.
Run don't walk.
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