I say this because as a result I record everything questionable or not in case it might be good, or in case I run out of steam after pressing the right arrow 6 times.
As a result of recording everything, I have been getting a lot of Sci-Fi Channel originals, which look like All My Children meets Lisa Bright and Dark meets Clash of the Titans. Mostly they suck. Well pretty much as a rule.
Of the recent Minotaur, Basilisk and one about an undersea creature who's name I can't even remember but had bad special effects in the first minute that made me just delete it immediately, I vote for Basilisk, mainly because it had Yancy Butler in it, the chick from Hard Target who is pretty much the same in this but older and not trying to be as nice. She was doing some Van Dammage.
If I see another Sci-Fi original that is good I'll let you know. But don't hold your breath.
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