Mary McCormack realizing her husband is seriously not going to let her back in the house as she's been contaminated.
I haven't been posting doesn't mean I haven't been watching horror flicks. In fact you could say I've been kind of living one. But that aside, here's what I've been watching:
Hatchet (2006). "Old School American Horror"
Behind The Mask (2006). This was clever.
Right At Your Door (2007) I really liked this. Dirty bomb on L.A. I liked the twisth at the end. The title seems simple but I can never remember it correctly.
Bad Reputation (2005) They should call this Bad Makeup artist but it was entertaining.
I think many of these are from Anchor Bay Entertainment. They are a company with a catalog of B horror flicks whom I'd be interested in working for (if only I could write a proper English sentence) but can't seem to figure out where they actually are. I see they are a subsidiary of Starz but that's about all I can figger out, shucks.